Car Check History UK

Find out the whole history of the car. We will check the history of the car in all existing databases

Online access

Online access to closed databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Free checks

Free checks for all users. You can find out a lot of information about any car by its licens plate number

Cost-effective access

Pay once and check an unlimited number of cars

All data in one place

We use a large number of sources of information

Don't miss out on what's important

The history of the car is not always clear. Find all possible problems

Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices


Customers Feedback

Here's what our users say

Troubles with our app?

You can always contact technical support through the application or by writing to the mail

I paid for a subscription, but I can't access Premium features

If you subscribed to PRO but Premium features are still unavailable, try one of the following solutions: For subscriptions bought inside the app, make sure that you’re using the same Apple ID (for iOS users) or Google account (for Android) that you used when you bought the subscription. Subscriptions bought inside the app are tied to your Apple ID/Google account. If you switch to a different account, you won’t have access to any subscriptions bought with your previous Apple ID/Google account.

How can I cancel my subscription? (Android)

To cancel your subscription on your Android device, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Google Play Store app on your Android phone or tablet. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  • Tap Payments & subscriptions - Subscriptions.
  • Select the subscription you want to cancel.
  • Tap Cancel subscription.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • This must be done 24 hours before the end of a free trial or subscription period.
How can I get a refund? (Android)

We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your subscription. We’ll be happy to assist you in getting a refund. To issue a refund, we need the order number. When you subscribed, you should have received a confirmation email that you can use as a receipt. You will find your order number on this receipt. If you can’t find your confirmation email, you can get a receipt online:

  • 1. Visit and sign in with your Google account.
  • 2. On the left, tap Subscriptions and services.
  • 3. Tap Manage - View transactions.
  • 4. Select an order to see your receipt
Please tap Contact us at the bottom of the page and send us the transaction ID as follows GPA.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX..X. We’ll proceed with issuing a refund.

How can I cancel my subscription? (iOS)

To cancel the subscription on your iOS device, please follow the steps below:

  • Launch the standard iOS Settings app
  • Tap your name.
  • Tap Subscriptions. (If you don't see "Subscriptions," tap "iTunes & App Store" instead. Then tap your Apple ID, tap View Apple ID, sign in, scroll down to Subscriptions, and tap Subscriptions.)
  • Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
  • Tap Cancel Subscription. If you don’t see Cancel Subscription, the subscription is already canceled and won't renew.
  • This must be done 24 hours before the end of a free trial or subscription period.

How can I get a refund? (iOS)

Unfortunately, we can’t manage or control your subscription and payments as Apple doesn’t provide us access to your billing information. A decision on the refund must be made by Apple. But we’ll be happy to guide you through requesting a refund.

  • 1. Go to
  • 2. Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  • 3. Tap or click "I'd like to."
  • 4. Choose "Request a refund."
  • 5. Choose the reason why you want a refund, then choose Next.
  • 6. Choose our app, then choose Submit.
  • You will then receive an email from Apple with a decision.